1. Easy Search
A great place to start and the most important tool on our website is the vehicle search. Auto parts are very specific in what vehicles they will fit. Easy Search works by filtering out all the parts that are not suitable for your car and only displaying parts that fit. Shop parts that fit by selecting your make, model, chassis, and engine. If you are unsure of your vehicle’s exact details, please contact us with your VIN and we will help you out. You can use the Easy Search on the homepage, category pages, product pages and the search page.
2. Estimate Shipping
Second on the list is the shipping calculator. For every item in our store, you can get an instant price for standard or express shipping. No need to go backward and forth to the shopping cart and check. Simply select your Country, State/Territory and enter your Postcode to estimate shipping. You can use the Estimate Shipping tool at any time on all product pages, in your cart and at checkout prior to making payment.
3. Origin Transparency
Commonly unknown for customers when buying auto parts is origin or “Made in”. Majority of auto parts sellers neglect to share where the parts they sell are made. That’s where we think differently! Origin transparency is an especially important piece of information we can share with our customers. In the additional information section of the product description, you can see where the part is made.
4. Quality Tool Tip
Located in the additional information section of the product description you will find the quality rating. When you hover or tap the quality rating you will see the products quality information. Below are some examples and definitions.
Aftermarket: Manufactured to match original product specifications. Quality inspected by staff at Only Euro.
OE: Matches the original part used by the vehicle manufacturer.
OEM: Matches or exceeds the original part used by the vehicle manufacturer.
5. The Only Euro Blog
Finally in our top 5 website tips is our blog. Find DIY repair instructions, news, project builds, articles just like this one and more! Stay updated by signing up to our mailing list.